WHA's Primary Activities Included:
1) Rehabilitating Unusable Borehole Wells
At the village level, WHA rehabilitates contaminated, damaged, and nonfunctional protected borehole wells in Gulu Town to ensure that vulnerable community members have reliable access to safe water.
2) Empowering locally elected water source committees with training in sustainable water resource management
WHA ensures the sustainability of the valuable public health gains from expanding access to clean water by training locally-elected Water Source Committees in sustainable water resource management.
3) Collecting, Analyzing, and Distributing Data
At the city-wide, system-level, WHA collects and analyzes GPS, water quality, and water source management data to improve the quality and coordination of groundwater source management throughout Gulu by all relevant actors, including by WHA, other NGOs, locally elected community water user committees, the municipal government of Gulu, and Uganda's National Water & Sewerage Company.